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How to: Letters to Santa

Every year around this time, parents and teachers are looking for ways to get their kids and students into the Christmas spirit. Making crafts and singing songs are fun and always a sure thing. But why not talk to the man himself? That's right! I'm talking about Santa Claus!

Every year hundreds of elves (volunteer Canada Post employees) in Canada receive 1.5 million letters and cards from kids all over the world. They help Santa write responses and deliver his message of holiday cheer back to every child who wrote to him. The elves have been helping Canada Post for the past 35 years and have replied to over 26 million children!

This year Canada Post has a Parent Option and a School Option. Below we have outlined step by step instructions on how to send a letter to Santa from home as well as a school group.

This activity is sure to build anticipation for the Christmas season and makes good practice for everyday English! Be sure to act fast because Canada Post recommends mailing letters by December 2nd to guarantee a response before Christmas! (I recommend sending them earlier because of international shipping times.)






Alright, Let's get to it!



The School Option:

STEP 1. Canada Post has 6 different fill in the blank style templates. There are 3 for younger children and 3 for older children. Take a look at the different options, select the best template for your students english abilities and print out enough for your class. Also check out this letter to schools and teachers for more information.

STEP 2. Have some fun while filling out the templates, break out the crayons and be creative! Santa really loves to read about children’s favourite sports, jokes, school activities or family fun (even if their teachers are helping). And, of course, he loves to get pictures and drawings from even his youngest pen pals!

STEP 3. Make a list of all the students names and print it out to include with the letters.

STEP 4. Put all of the letters and notes along with your student list and checklist into a large envelope and bring to your local post office. YOU MUST INCLUDE A CHECKLIST!

STEP 5. Santa's address is "SANTA CLAUS NORTH POLE H0H 0H0 CANADA" Be sure to include your return address, list of student's names and your checklist. Also bring money for postage, this program is free inside Canada, but letters from overseas need postage!

STEP 6. Wait for Santa's reply. He will send your school or class a personalized poster to hang up in the class room.


手順1. カナダ郵便が6種類の穴埋めテンプレートを提供しています。3つは小さい子用で、3つは大きい子用です。生徒の英語能力に合ったテンプレートを選んでプリントアウトしてください。もっと詳しい情報は学校及び先生へというページも参照してください

手順2. クレヨンなどを使ってオリジナルの手紙を書きましょう!サンタは子供たちの好きなスポーツやジョーク、学校の活動、家族のことを読むのが大好きです。写真や絵ももらえるともっとうれしいです!

手順3. 生徒全員の名前のリストを作り、プリントアウトして生徒たちが書いた手紙に添えます

手順4. 全員の手紙と、生徒のリストと、チェックリストを十分な大きさの封筒に入れて近くの郵便局に持っていきます。チェックリストは必ず入れてください!

手順5. サンタの住所は「SANTA CLAUS NORTH POLE H0H 0H0 CANADA」です。返信先、生徒のリスト(名簿)、チェックリストを入れたか確認してください。カナダ国内は送料無料ですが、国際郵便は料金がかかりますので、お金も忘れずに持って行きましょう。

手順6. サンタからの返信を待ちます。サンタはスクールやクラスに教室に掲示できるオリジナルのポスターを送ってくれます


The Parent Option:

STEP 1. Canada Post has 6 different fill in the blank style templates. There are 3 for younger children and 3 for older children. Take a look at the different options, select the best template for your child's english abilities and print it out.

STEP 2. Have some fun while filling out the templates, break out the crayons and be creative! Santa loves to read about children’s favourite sports, jokes, school activities or family fun (even if Mom and Dad help with the writing). And, of course, he loves to get pictures and drawings from even his youngest pen pals!

STEP 3. Go to the post office and mail your letter to "SANTA CLAUS NORTH POLE H0H 0H0 CANADA" Make sure you include your return address so Santa knows where to send his letter! Also bring money for postage, this program is free inside Canada, but letters from overseas need postage!

STEP 4. Wait for Santa's reply!


手順1. カナダ郵便が6種類の穴埋めテンプレートを提供しています。3つは小さい子用で、3つは大きい子用です。子供の英語能力に合ったテンプレートを選んでプリントアウトしてください

手順2. クレヨンなどを使ってオリジナルの手紙を書きましょう!サンタは子供たちの好きなスポーツやジョーク、学校の活動、家族のことを読むのが大好きです。写真や絵ももらえるともっとうれしいです!

手順5. サンタの住所は「SANTA CLAUS NORTH POLE H0H 0H0 CANADA」です。サンタがどこに返信したらいいかわかるように返信先を入れたか確認してください。カナダ国内は送料無料ですが、国際郵便は料金がかかりますので、お金も忘れずに持って行きましょう

手順4. サンタからの返信を待ちましょう!


Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy this Christmas Activity. If you have any questions or comments please leave a comment! Merry Christmas Everyone!




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